Wednesday 28 December 2016

I've to write this

It's already four days that I couldn't fall asleep easily in my bed at night.All i could do was keep rolling around my bed as my mind was racing really fast.As I kept thinking about the it, my thought all came out with the scenes that I had achieve goals and it were the everything my soul ever longed for. The goals seem easy to reach because it were just what people called as DREAMING. However , the next day morning i woke up and would forgot about the previous thought. While i recalled back and it became unreachable far as the reality methods and the self weaknesses all poured into the same condition.

The END.
sorry for bad vibes.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas everyone . I was wondering why i got nothing special to celebrate on Christmas. There's no turkey dishes, no Santa Claus.The only thing that's related to Christmas was the gift ( Reindeer Kog'Maw ) by LoL. Although it was virtual gift yet the only.
The gift i get from LoL for playing everyday in December 2014.
( feel bad for meaningless life )

By the time i kept thinking why it's so empty for such national event.I slowly recalled my mind.First, i noticed the frames in my room.
The frame was given by my aunt after Christmas, It was such a huge gathering as cousins from Japan ( x 2) and Singapore were there. Unfortunately , my eldest aunt and her husband aren't inside the photo as he and she were doing photographers. 

Then the Santa Claus doll.
The Santa Claus doll was given by my mum when i was still at primary school. Remember that day my mum came back with this doll and i was so obsessed with this doll.things don't go as planned ,my mum offered me to exchange thing with her. At last, i took out my save tube and exchange with her.

Here's the story afterwards, I had changed my mind 10 minutes later as I had started saving for 6 months and I thought that it isn't worth for that doll. So , I backed out of the deal. That time, I could fell my mum was a bit down as I didn't abide by the deal. Mum gave me back my save tube but she didn't take back the doll and it left all the regretness.

And more to be continued next time / next year ?


Monday 19 December 2016

Things you don't know about Clash of Clans

Just watched the video about the topic above.After that i catches up facts that Supercell is founded in June 2010 in Helsinki, Finland.( That was a much of a surprise !! ).There are first having just 15 persons in the team of Supercell but they had created games like Hay Day , Boom Beach ,Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. By Clash of Clans , they managed to earn $5.5 billions <<< ( wow wow wow ). Wonder why i couldn't even get a job , sigh.

Friday 16 December 2016

What for?

I always wonder why my English skills keep staying at the same level since i was thirteen.Which means I always facing a lot of problem such as lack of vocabulary , couldn't pronounce words correctly and the biggest trouble is couldn't speak in front of people fluently. That's why i think i should make this blog for myself and post everything in English about my daily life.Hopefully I may improve my English skills day by day and can reverse back to see my products in the future.Kindly please forgive my grammar mistake and broken English. :D