Sunday 30 April 2017

I'm back

Finally, i get back here for chilling.
Last 178 days till UEC exam, it means I have less than half year to prepare for it.
N the next week will be Writing test and I hope that it lack of writing idea wont happen again.

Sometimes , u don't know how much bad vibes or good vibes u had absorbed yet it will effect your daily life.
I don't know how to talk about this topic so maybe next time.

Saturday 18 February 2017


Sunday :D
I wasn't feeling well in the past few days and postponed many homework
By that, tons of homework are waiting for me to settle.
N the next week will having chemistry test and Chinese test,  but I haven't prepared yet.
There will be more and more test and homework coming , hope I could afford it :D


Thursday 16 February 2017


1st math test and it was awful.
It's sad that i had lost a of marks without trying, it made me even moody.
Well , it was me who didn't try even harder.
Hope won't face the situation again.
Blessed be.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Chor 9

I am coughing up significant amounts of phlegm for two days. It's too bad to catch fever and cold during the Chinese New year. While people are energetic at playing and celebrating , I must stay at home for rest.Hope I will get well soon for attend tomorrow lessons. 

I have read the book i borrowed from library which named '' Actually you don't love yourself ''. The book taught me about my feelings that i kept ignoring. Moreover, it taught me to be yourself as you are the one who will always beside you. If you don't even know yourself , how could you know the others? If you are weak enough, how could you help the others??? 

n Happy Chinese New Year :D !!

The End.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Non-stop raining

The weather now just like the forecast I had searched online at Monday morning that it will be rain for the whole week. Luckily the sun was there as people were performing their best show for the audiences and there was no single drop of rain during the calligraphy competition. Our school must be a really great place where the God bless at.

So fast it till the end of January and will welcome the Chinese New Year.I missed those delicious cookies and chips which have limited time available. 

Sunday 15 January 2017

Faster or slow down?

I used to be a slowly snail at doing things.As I was getting older, I became to push myself harder for doing things faster for saving time. So, i rushed for everything. Unfortunately, things turned out to be failure as all of my works were having problems.And by the books I had read I startled to curious about being faster might be a wrong way. As I slow down a bit , I may have a little bit more time to think about the way for the solution. Furthermore, I could be clearly by the moment instead of rushing for things without a clue. By now , i think that I used to do things slowly and had nothing comes out was because of the lack of concentration.

Friday 6 January 2017

1st Saturday in 2017

The moment I woke up in the morning i felt so blessed for having enough sleeping. Thanks for the weekend which don't need to attend for SPM tuition anymore.I should've mange my time well since it slipped away so fast and maybe the next time i wake up will be my final UEC exam.So stressful facing my coming up exams and tests but the most fear of mine is the laziness i had fed for years. Still have a long journey for my writing skills <<

That's all for today , a very well started 。 :)